All Carbon Free

To accelerate to Year Carbon Zero, a goal of All Carbon Free is to identify and provide support for CleanTechs that reduce large amounts of carbon emissions. A Path with a proposed CleanTech calculates the amount of carbon emissions reduced above Base Path. Support such as funding accelerates the development and mass manufacturing for these CleanTechs. In this way, All Carbon Free can achieve its goal to serve as a year carbon zero catalyst.

As new CleanTechs are invented and deployed over the next decade, a Path can show the impact for each one. All Carbon Free calculates when and how we will reach worldwide net zero carbon emissions using publicly available energy and carbon emission data. Each CleanTech is modelled with its impact, energy used, and market adoption rates. A simulation (known as a Path) includes multiple CleanTechs working together to replace fossil fuels or carbon emitting processes with carbon free alternatives. All CleanTechs are welcome if they each reduce total carbon emissions above the Base Path.

All Carbon Free started to answer the question: How many GW of carbon free power do we need to reach carbon zero? As more and more CleanTechs were added to the simulation such as Direct Air Capture and Electric Vehicles, it became clear that there should be a way to include all CleanTechs and figure out when and how we will reach carbon zero. All Carbon Free shows how we can reach carbon zero before 2050 with enough CleanTech innovations and manufacturing.

All Carbon Free was created by Eric Martinez. Find out ways to contribute below.


An All Carbon Free CleanTech can replace fossil fuels with a carbon free source and/or reduce/replace carbon emissions from one or multiple sectors. CleanTechs can range from Wind to Energy Efficiency to Carbon Capture. Each CleanTech includes type, sector, energy produced/used per year, and CO2 reduced. Estimated Emissions Reduced compared to base Path is calculated.

CleanTech Parameters

Electric Type – Type of electricity used or produced.

Sectors/Subsectors – Sector or Subsectors replaced (IPCC Sectors, A.II.9). All Sectors includes all sectors and subsectors. Each Sector checked automatically includes all Subsectors beneath it.

Replace Fossil? – Click if CleanTech produces carbon free electricity that replaces fossil fuel electricity.

Scale Parameters – (growth rate) (saturation rate).

Growth Rate – Initial exponential growth rate of logistic s-curve.

Saturation Rate – Later stage market saturation rate of logistic s-curve. Values range from 0 to 1. A value of 1 shows no slowdown as it remains exponential growth until full saturation.

Start Year – Year to start including in Path simulation.

Units Before Start Year – Units produced prior to start year. Default is 0.

Units on Start Year – Units produced on start year.

Electric Energy per Unit – Annual Energy in TWh produced or generated per unit. For example: 1 GW x .25 Capacity Factor x 365 days x 24 hours => 2.19 TWh per year.

CO2 Reduced per Unit – Annual Tons of CO2 reduced per unit.

Limit Percentage – Percentage of electricity/emissions available to replace. For instance, Electric Cars represent 0.6 / 1.0 (60%) of ‘Road’ emissions. Values range from 0 to 1. Default 1.

Include with Profile? – Include with list of CleanTechs on user public profile page. Default Off.

Solo Estimated Emissions Reduced – Calculated estimate total carbon emissions reduced compared to base Path. This is calculated after CleanTech is submitted.


An All Carbon Free Path simulation calculates total carbon emissions, carbon free power required, and carbon zero year based on CleanTechs included. A Path uses the latest freely available electricity and emission data (OWID - emissions, electricity; EDGAR - Data).

Path Assumptions

2019 Emission Levels – 2019 emission and electricity data is used since it’s the latest data available pre-pandemic. The model assumes usage has risen logarithmically since 2019.

Total Emission Calculations – CO2 plus other emissions are included in each Path. Emissions other than CO2 emissions are included as multiples of CO2 (IPCC AR5 - Values).

Estimating Global Temperature Rise – Linear interpolation is used to estimate global temperature rise based on total carbon emissions (IPCC Article, Chart).

Tons CO2 to GW conversion – For the Path graph, a 1,000 kWh per ton value is used to show carbon emissions at GW. This value is for visual purposes only and not used in the Path simulation. Currently, Direct Air Capture is about 2,000 kWh per ton (WRI Article).

Logistic S-Curve – A logistic S-shaped curve is used to calculate a CleanTech’s market adoption rate.

Base Path – A Base Path is defined as Solar + Wind + Direct Air Capture.

Ways to Contribute

Create a CleanTech – Define each parameter with references and calculate its impact.

Create and share a Path – How soon can carbon zero be reached?

Improve the Path Simulator – The All Carbon Free Path project is open-source. Available on Github.

Share on Social Media – Showcase a CleanTech or Path.

Contact: contribute [at]

Ways to Support a CleanTech

Purchase a CleanTech – Add Solar or choose an electric vehicle or purchase any cleantech that reduces carbon emissions.

Work at a CleanTech manufacturer – Use your expertise to build and sell CleanTechs

Support a CleanTech’s development – Provide resources such as funding to companies developing CleanTechs. Contact supportacleantech [at] for more info.

Potential Project Improvements

Allow for country/region specific calculations – Only worldwide is used at the moment.

Update CO2 emission data with new values – Use 2021 data instead of 2019 data.

Create Merch Site – Spread All Carbon Free’s goal and cover server costs.